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Urbino Project 2015 | February 14, 2025

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AboutTessa Yannone, Author at Urbino Project 2015

Tessa Yannone

Tessa Yannone

Studying abroad was never the first thing on my to-do list going into college. I was scared of the thought of traveling half way across the world to a place I didn't know with people who were only strangers, but deciding to come to Urbino has completely changed my perspective and outlook on life. This program is unlike any other, and I am fortunate to have had the opportunity. Reporting internationally threw me into something completely different and allowed me to meet so many amazing people. The amount of experience, knowledge, and friendships I have gained has been immeasurable and I wouldn't change it for the world. I am walking away from Urbino with life-long friends both abroad and from the states and with skills and experiences that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Stories By Tessa Yannone

Not Olive Oil—Olive Liquor

June 22, 2015 |

Giuliano Berloni’s family-run olive liquor business is coming to a crossroads

Giuliano Berloni leans back in his chair and lets out a bellowing laugh that fills his tiny office. His stomach bounces under a blue and white pinstriped button-down shirt. … Read More