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Urbino Project 2015 | July 27, 2024

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AboutJulianna Graham, Author at Urbino Project 2015

Julianna Graham

Julianna Graham

Coming into this program I had no idea what to expect, but I soon realized that I was getting more than I bargained for. The city itself has offered beautiful sites, new people, and worthwhile experiences. The project we are doing has given me lots of hurdles from language barriers to learn in new equipment, but it has made me stronger in my abilities to overcome challenges and accomplish goals. So happy to have this be my first experience abroad!

Stories By Julianna Graham

The Alimentary Rule of Italian Shopping

June 23, 2015 |

Small grocers with fresh products survive in Italy.

URBINO, Italy - As a customer walks into the small, two-room grocery on Via Nicollo’ Pellipario asking for fresh peaches, shop owner Luigi Valentini greets her with a smile, steps from behind … Read More