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Urbino Project 2015 | July 27, 2024

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Video Library - Urbino Project 2015

Urbino 2015 students produced video projects either alone or in two-person teams. Below is the complete library of videos produced by our students in 2015.

Ryan Young, Iowa State University

Read the Story Vespa: As Italian as Pizza and Spaghetti by Ryan Young.

Courtney Bochicchio, James Madison University
Ashley Manske, Iowa State University University

Read the Story A Look Behind the Curtain by Courtney Bochicchio.
Read the Story Italian Family Circles by Ashley Manske.

Christina Botticchio, Ryerson University
Alysia Burdi, Ryerson University

Read the Story The Other Oil Crisis by Christina Botticchio.
Read the Story Looking for a New Place by Alysia Burdi.

Anita Chomenko, Rider University
Dylan Orth, Colorado State University

Read the Story Retroinnovazione by Anita Chomenko.
Read the Story Reintroduction to Mountain Biking by Dylan Orth.

Isabella Ciano, James Madison University
Katie Potter, James Madison University

Read the Story The Return of the Illustrious 28 by Isabella Ciano.
Read the Story Saving More Than Nine Lives by Katie Potter.

Caroline Davis, James Madison University
Michele Goad, James Madison University

Read the Story A Pride of Woodworkers by Caroline Davis.
Read the Story The Italian Pulitzer? by Michele Goad.

Brittany Dierken, Arizona State University
Abbie Latterell, Iowa State University

Read the Story Pausa: A Fading Italian Tradition by Brittany Dierken.
Read the Story Coming Out in Urbino by Abbie Latterell.

Jules Graham, James Madison University
Rachel Killmeyer, James Madison University

Read the Story The Alimentary Rule of Italian Shopping by Julianna Graham.
Read the Story Murder in Urbino? by Rachel Killmeyer.

Yusuf Ince, Bahçeşehir University

Read the Story TBA by Yusuf Ince.

Kaitlin Kling, James Madison University
Rachel Dale, Carleton University

Read the Story A Family Gelateria by Kaitlin Kling.
Read the Story La Muta Speaks by Rachel Dale.

Jake Troy, Rider University
Olivia Parker, American University

Read the Story Taste-testing Olive Oil by Jake Troy.
Read the Story A Lasting Impression by Olivia Parker.

Stephanie Smith, James Madison University
Thomas Fitzpatrick, James Madison University

Read the Story Lost in Translation by Stephanie Smith.
Read the Story Kitchen-in-a-Closet by Thomas Fitzpatrick.