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Urbino Project 2015 | July 27, 2024

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AboutStephanie Smith, Author at Urbino Project 2015

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith

I cannot even begin to express how fortunate I feel to have been given the opportunity to study abroad in Urbino, Italy. Though Urbino is home to some of the steepest hills I have ever had to conquer, it is also home to some of the most friendly people I have ever met, the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen, and the most delicious food (and gelato!) I have ever eaten. It has felt like home for the last four weeks, and I could not imagine studying abroad anywhere else. As I begin to look ahead towards a future career, I am thankful to all the professors who have taught me so much about the field of Journalism - from taking the perfect photo, to writing an intriguing lede, to editing a video just right. While I have certainly learned a lot about my academic passions, I have also learned a lot about myself. Meeting some of the most amazing people, traveling all throughout Italy, and overcoming a difficult language barrier has allowed me to grow as a person in so many ways. I will forever miss my time in Urbino, but the friends made, the experiences had, and the lessons learned will never be forgotten. Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible - it has truly been the best time of my life!

Stories By Stephanie Smith

Lost in Translation

June 23, 2015 |

Having American culture on your t-shirt seems pretty cool, whatever it means.

URBINO, Italy – Overheard in the classical Piazza della Repubblica are hundreds of Italian conversations. One young woman is seen wearing a t-shirt that says “Be Happy. It … Read More