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Urbino Project 2014 | July 27, 2024

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About Chris Raimondi

Chris Raimondi

Chris Raimondi

Coming to Urbino was the best decision I ever made. Learning how to function as a journalist in a foreign country while overcoming language barriers and new cultural norms is something that helped me grow in my future profession and life. Aside from that, the city in itself gave me the abroad experience I always wanted and more. From watching World Cup games in the Piazza, to walking up and down the Saturday market, Urbino has left its mark in my life. Italy has always been my dream vacation, but living in Urbino for a month was much more than a vacation. No where else in the country will you find a place so welcoming and charming. I will return to the States knowing more about myself, the world, and a bit of Italian language. Urbino has definitely changed me, and for that alone I would do it all over again.

Stories By Chris Raimondi

The Artful Chef

June 26, 2014 |

Mauro Lucarini’s combination of traditional Urbino art and authentic local food creates one of the city’s most cultured dining experiences

At the end of the narrow corridor, scenes of Urbino appear, hanging from the walls of the town’s oldest restaurant. … Read More