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Urbino Project 2014 | July 27, 2024

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About Whitney Roberts

Whitney Roberts

Whitney Roberts

My Urbino experience provided me with many obstacles and challenges, but they have allowed me to grow and learn more than I would have ever imagined. I have never been out of the country and I don’t have as much coursework behind me as the others, but the mentors on this trip helped me a great deal and pointed me in the right direction. If anything, my experience abroad has reminded me of how much I love my major and of how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to study this way. I am a strong believer in reaching outside of one’s comfort zone and studying in Urbino was the perfect way for me to do so. I will never forget any of the memories or lessons I have gained here and I will miss Italy very much.

Stories By Whitney Roberts

Un-corking Urbino’s First Winery

June 25, 2014 |

Urbino native Leonardo Cossi returns to his roots with Ca Sciampagne

URBINO, Italy – When Leonardo Cossi decided in 2008 to make his passion for wine his livelihood, he was familiar with this old piece of piece of black humor: … Read More