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Urbino Project 2014 | July 27, 2024

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About Susan Rogowski

Susan Rogowski

Susan Rogowski

This study abroad trip is truly unique because we really get immersed in the culture here in Urbino. I loved being in a small secluded Italian town where I could truly experience the Italian life style. It’s amazing to be able to say that I have genuine Italian friends. Our project and the program in general really forces us to get out there and experience this town in a very authentic way. Every person involved in this program have been incredible and inspirational to work with. I’m so grateful to have been able to come here and experience this culture with such a delightful group.

Stories By Susan Rogowski

A Saintly Obsession

June 26, 2014 |

Urbino’s celebration of its patron saint is a tradition shared by cities across Italy

URBINO, Italy – Like every June 1 in this picturesque Renaissance town, the 2014 edition found a crowd gathered with mounting anticipation in the piazza before … Read More